
The chicken is one of the most common and widespread domestic livestock animals in the world. Chicken meat belongs to the poultry meat group. The use of chicken meat spans all culinary traditions and cultures given the widespread availability of chickens. Chicken can be cooked in many ways. It can be made into sausages, skewered, put in salads, grilled, breaded and deep-fried, or used in various curries. There is significant variation in cooking methods amongst cultures. Historically common methods include roasting, baking, broasting, and frying.

Sesame Chicken

Sesame Chicken

This is Sesame Chicken. This crispy classic Chinese takeout dish may seem like it could be complicated to make but it’s actually super easy. You can get that super crispy batter and delicious sesame sauce right in your home, made fresh. Trust me. You will want to skip the takeout from now on. Sesame chicken

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